CNC Dot Peen MarkersDot Peen Marking

Dot Peen Marker for CNC Machines Marks on Uneven Work Surfaces

2Linc Tools produces a CNC Dot Peen tool that produces permanent dot or pin marks using the rotating spindle of a CNC machine.

In operation, the ¾-in diameter shank of the marker fits into a standard ¾’in. collet or end mill holder.  Compensation for tolerance variations in the surface height is approximately 0.100-in. (2.5 mm). With the integrated collet, tool bit changes can be made without removing the tool from the machine.

High-speed marking can be made as fast as the CNC machine can move in most any materials including plastics, aluminum to hardened steels simply by changing different strength springs.  The marker uses an inexpensive, easily replaceable dot peen stylus.

2Linc Tools has their own 2L Engraving Software programming software for the marker. When purchasing a unit, 2L provides the most recent version of their PRO Light Engraving Software as a download. This package has eleven single line engraving fonts.

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